# Import Market History

While this command has been tested and works, it should still be considered to be in development. Make sure you run this command against its own logical database to avoid any risk to your production data. Follow this milestone on Github (opens new window) to see what issues are outstanding.

Scraping the ESI market history endpoint is a slow process and it's hard to get a complete dataset. EVE Ref runs a daily market history scrape, which tries to gather as much complete data as possible. The scrape job runs in batches with multiple updates throughout the day. This import job will only import new data that not already in your database, meaning this import can be scheduled to essentially piggy-back off EVE Ref's scrape job.

The import runs in Docker, so should be easy to run on any operating system.

# Process

  1. EVE Ref includes a Flyway (opens new window) setup to create and upgrade its own tables. Unless disabled, this is automatically run at the beginning of the import.
    • Caution: it is highly recommended you isolate the import in its own logical database and user/password to avoid conflicts.
  2. Your database is queried for the number of unique region-type pairs present for each day.
  3. For each day your database doesn't contain any pairs, market history will be downloaded and inserted.
  4. For each day your database contains fewer pairs than what's available, market history with be downloaded and inserted.
  5. Each day is inserted inside a SQL transaction.

# Basic Usage

docker run -it --rm \
	-e "DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/everef" \
	-e "DATABASE_USERNAME=everef" \
	-e "DATABASE_PASSWORD=password1" \
	-e "INSERT_SIZE=100000" \
	autonomouslogic/eve-ref:latest \
  • DATABASE_URL - the JDBC URL for the database.
  • DATABASE_USERNAME - the username to use when connecting to the database.
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD - the password to use when connecting to the database.
  • IMPORT_MARKET_HISTORY_MIN_DATE - how far back to import data for. Defaults to the latest imported date or today, minus 450 days.
  • INSERT_SIZE - how many records to insert with each INSERT statement. Defaults to 100. Keeping this at a high value will greatly improve the import speed.
  • FLYWAY_AUTO_MIGRATE - whether to run Flyway migrations before importing data. Defaults to true.

# Scheduling

The market history scrape job runs daily, but uploads data in batches, roughly every 30 minutes. If you want to piggy-back off this scrape, you can schedule this import job to run however often you wish. Only days with new data available will be imported.

# Full initial import

To import all data since 2003, run an initial import with IMPORT_MARKET_HISTORY_MIN_DATE=2003-01-01. IMPORT_MARKET_HISTORY_MIN_DATE can otherwise be omitted.

# Database Table

You can disable Flyway with FLYWAY_AUTO_MIGRATE=false, you can create the table manually.

create table market_history
    date               date           not null,
    region_id          integer        not null,
    type_id            integer        not null,
    average            numeric(20, 2) not null,
    highest            numeric(20, 2) not null,
    lowest             numeric(20, 2) not null,
    volume             bigint         not null,
    order_count        integer        not null,
    http_last_modified timestamp with time zone,
    primary key (date, region_id, type_id)

create index market_history_region_id_type_id
    on market_history (region_id, type_id);

create index market_history_type_id
    on market_history (type_id);

# Supported Databases

Last Updated: 12/18/2023, 4:47:27 AM